Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Virus diseases Carried by mosquitoes

Did you spend much time outdoors? While playing in the sun can be fun, you should know that pesky mosquitoes, a number of viral diseases, which could result in life-threatening.

Although many people have heard of the link between mosquitoes and West Nile virus, there are many diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, do not know the people. Unfortunately not, when a news channel rather than a person contracting a disease "mosquito" Most people are aware of the fact that the reportof these diseases remains a long shot. Mosquitoes are one of the dirtiest and most dangerous creatures to man, and this may disturb young people responsible only for what you think.

Some viral diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes, yellow fever, dengue fever, epidemic polyarthritis, Rift Valley fever, Ross River Fever, St. Louis encephalitis, West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis, encephalitis lacrosse, and many others types of invasive disease. Mosquitoes are solely responsible forMalaria, which appears to be the leading cause of premature death worldwide. Since most U.S. news channels have not submitted their report on deaths caused by malaria are most of us are quite aware of the real danger that mosquitoes can raise.

More than 5.3 million deaths per year due to the mosquito genus Anopheles, the malaria virus door - children under five years for most of these deaths. Although the genus Anopheles is usually not foundin North America, almost all of mosquitoes for the execution of the worm filariasis, elephantiasis of the disease - 40 million people around the world, now can interact with some form of elephantiasis cases.

Although all these statistics are frightening, are not the worst part of the whole epidemic of the mosquito. With increasing age, mosquito bites are often unnoticed. Although children often become swollen and red when you receive a bite, more adults in building an immunity againstMosquitoes, biting, more and more. In short, you could be infected by a disease was carried by a mosquito, and not even know about it.

While some species can not be deterred by mosquitoes, the mosquitoes can be found throughout North America in general, with the application of a natural mosquito repellent be avoided. Mosquitoes tend to be organized by people who are armed with special products, and that is exactly what you should bet. Keep mosquitoes away from yourBody, and keep your health in preparation time, remaining educated and with a mosquito repellent that is guaranteed to work.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Special Swine Flu Vaccine alert

There is a growing concern among the health sector and the general public regarding the push of a vaccine against a pandemic H1N1 known and unknown side effects. Last August, leaked to the Daily Mail, sales in the United Kingdom, a letter from the Health Protection Agency in relation to neurological concerns "about a link to a" nervous disease killer. "This refers back to 1976 when the federal government has thrown a pig influenza vaccine in the production and distribution25 times in a row, the number of deaths were attributed to influenza compared to the real. Many thousands have been affected with secondary neurological complications.

The H1N1 2009 was vaccinated by the CDC, in addition to the annual seasonal flu shot, which recently launched a new controversy has been associated, especially when administered to children with chronic lung disease is recommended. Unfortunately those who are committed members of the SEIU to take the vaccine, while notThey suffer great impact because the government says.

Instead of providing support to the immune system against seasonal influenza epidemics, there may be an increase in the severity of flu symptoms in children who are vaccinated. Research presented to 105 showed the American Thoracic Society International Conference in San Diego that children get the flu vaccine are three times more likely than their peers who do not receive the vaccine will be hospitalized. Freedom isnot just an afterthought, and I thought it always brings people might end.

Considering the mildness of the virus of pandemic influenza, health authorities should be concerned about pre-existing illnesses? A recent study showed that 36 were fatal pandemic influenza in children 67% of one or more high-risk disease, the most common developmental disorders of the nervous system. The CDC recognizes that play a secondary bacterial co-infections play an important role inDead.

Diet plays a crucial role in preventing and reducing the severity of flu, confirms both the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization. A 2009 report from the WHO, confirmed the severe food can cause serious flu complications, and expression. Malnutrition, if not reversed to be able to influence the immune system, the CDC acknowledges the onset of complications from seasonal influenza and the increasesuccumb to a higher risk of complications of the virus H1N1.

What would happen if a dietary supplement will cause children to be admitted three times more likely to be hospitalized with complications of influenza? With so much evidence of lack of efficacy of the vaccine, acknowledged the potential dangers of vaccines and the supporting role of good nutrition from the CDC and WHO, you might consider what nature has to offer to keep your family safe and healthy in the fall and winter.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Warning signs of stroke

You are still sitting at home when suddenly a serious weakness of the arm or leg reserved. Call a doctor immediately. They have experienced a symptom that may be warning signs of a stroke.

Quick action could mean the difference between life and death. Most people now know that they are looking for signs of a heart attack, and the need for treatment if they occur.

Few know, however, that there are also signs of early warning for many of the 600,000 strokes that Americans sufferyear.

A stroke is caused by an interruption of blood supply to the brain. The symptoms of stroke can vary depending on what part of the brain is affected.

Early medical evaluation of these symptoms can be life saving. If the shock is caused by the rupture of small blood vessels, emergency treatment can limit the damage. Studies are ongoing to determine whether to deploy quickly from clot-dissolving drugs damage, providing the areas in which a blood clot blocks a brain, to reduceArtery. The treatment is now regarded as experimental because of concern for cause bleeding.

An early warning signal of a possible future stroke is a TIA - transient ischemic attack - in which a small blood vessel is blocked for some minutes. Anyone who has a TIA is at greater risk of a severe stroke in the future.

Some typical symptoms of a TIA include loss of vision in one eye, sometimes temporary numbness or weakness of an arm or leg, slurred speechand the difficulty or inability to speak. These symptoms may come and go, but must be read as a warning to consult a doctor immediately.

A person experiencing a TIA should be treated in advance with anticoagulants or aspirin as a warning sign of stroke - drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots. Factors that are known to increase the risk of stroke are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, the use of oral contraceptives, and illicit drugs, especially cocaine.

virus h1n1 flu