He died in New Delhi, Usa Jain, a resident of Faridabad clock to 10:15 on Tuesday, said NK Chaturvedi, Medical Director of Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital. "She had three cardiac arrests and, finally, died yesterday morning of the day, he said. This was the third victim of the death of swine flu in the capital.
The 44-year-old woman should not be, and in recent weeks and was admitted to a private hospital in Faridabad, which was on a ventilator. "Because there was swine flu-like symptoms, his condition continued to deteriorate. Then he was transferred from the hospital in Faridabad on Friday, the clinic, Chaturvedi told IANS. Jain, who was on a respirator, was taken to hospital ward H1N1. "He continued in a serious condition and was on a respirator. He had a fever, shortness of breath, coughs and colds," he said.
Their samples were sent for tests and on Monday confirmed that it was infected with H1N1.
Ten people are in treatment of influenza in hospital and none of them is in critical condition, he added.
In Bangalore, the authorities have confirmed that 28-year-old who died in the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases (RGICD) Sunday, the pigs have contracted bird.
Cholanayakanahalli a resident of the village on the outskirts of the city, Siddaraju also tested positive for Chikungunya, said the director Shashidhar Buggi RGICD IANS.
With his death, the death of swine influenza has increased in Karnataka had recorded the death of his first swine flu August 12 in two weeks, the state has seen 15 deaths.
Nine new cases of swine flu in Karnataka on Monday. Eight of them were from Santiago and one of Shimoga.
Twenty-seven people in Bangalore, five in Belgaum, and one in Mysore and Shimoga, and subjected to two in Mangalore is a treatment for influenza.
With the two deaths, the total number of dead has risen to 66 in the country. Monday ', the country reported 137 new cases of swine influenza positive, the total number of infected people in 2909
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